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The Complete Illustrated Guide to Joinery
(Gary Rogowski:著)
The Taunton Press
ハードカバー: 390ページ
言語: 英語
発売日: 2002/1
商品パッケージの寸法: 24.2 x 2.8 x 28.3 cm
There's no more thorough and readable guide to joinery than this new book from expert woodworker Gary Rogowski. The Complete Illustrated Guide to Joinery uses full-color step-by-step photo essays to show you how to make every practical woodworking joint.
Over 1400 color photos and drawings illustrate the methods from simple butt joints to angled tenons and complex scarf joints. A project as simple as a box for example has a dozen ways to solve the joinery question. And since many joints can be used interchangeably Joinery leads you through making the right choice for your project based on the function of the piece the time you have to work on it your skill level and your tooling.
Perhaps best of all Joinery features an appealing modern visual approach and is completely up-to-date regarding tools and methods. This book will not gather dust on your bookshelf; it will be a permanent fixture in your shop.
You will learn multiple ways to master:
・dovetails and finger joints
・mortises and tenons
・rabbets dadoes and grooves
・scarf joints
・lap and bridle joints
The Complete Illustrated Guides Introducing a new series of books in the tradition of Tage Frid. All the techniques and processes you need to craft beautiful things from wood are compiled into three comprehensive volumes: The Complete Illustrated Guides. Highly visual and written by woodworking's finest craftsmen, these three titles -- Furniture and Cabinet Construction, Shaping Wood and Joinery establish a new standard for shop reference books.